How is construction software selected? Which factors matter most in the decision? We recently teamed up with Martec to find the answers to these burning questions (and more) about how decision makers at construction firms, both in the field and the office, select and utilize technology—and why those decisions are made.
Here are some of our top takeaways.
Communication is key
While those in the field are end-users of software for daily reporting and progress updates, it's often up to office decision makers to select these digital tools. However, if the office chooses software that the field doesn’t use (or doesn’t like to use), the investment could be a waste. With proper communication between field and office decision makers, construction companies can find the perfect software solutions that meet everyone’s needs and budgets.
What matters most
Our study found that when looking for construction management software, the field and the office have different opinions on which factors matter most.
Office decision makers find cost efficiency to be the most important aspect to consider.

Field decision makers are more concerned with ease of use, which isn’t on the office’s radar at all.

While software price is important to both the field and the office, the office is also concerned with making the most of their purchase with a broad solution covering a range of tasks that integrates with their other systems. The field, however, seeks specialized solutions that are easy to use.
Having tools that talk
Interestingly, there are more office decision makers than field decision makers who believe that their daily reporting tool integrates with other project software.
Most office decision makers—who consider integration to be one of the most important factors of consideration when purchasing software—believe that their current daily reporting system syncs up with their other solutions.
Fewer field decision makers agree with that sentiment.

What does this all mean?
With so many moving parts in the office and the field, information often gets lost in the shuffle. This data shows a gap in communication between the field and the office. Even if the office believes they have invested in an effective construction field management software, those out the jobsite may feel differently. If the office consults the field before purchasing software, they will implement a solution that the field is more likely to utilize.
This is only the beginning... We used the data from our research to create a 2020 ConTech Review to help you learn more about the current state of the industry, and how you can create more efficient jobsites with your software purchases.
To see all of our findings on software decisions and trends, download the full report below.