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New: Submit Injury and Illness Data to OSHA with a Click


Posted on March 3rd, 2025

OSHA submit button in Raken construction incident management software.

Now, you can use Raken’s incident capture tools to electronically submit your yearly work-related injury and illness data directly to OSHA. Accurately document incidents and maintain compliance with one easy app.

How it works

1. Connect Raken with your OSHA Injury Tracking Application account

Raken OSHA ITA integration.

Follow our step-by-step guide to integrate Raken with OSHA’s Injury Tracking application via API.

2. Record incidents throughout the year

Raken construction incident capture app.

Document accidents and injuries from the field or office, attach supporting documents (like photos and witness statements), notify stakeholders, and identify recurring issues across projects.

3. Automatically submit injury and illness data to OSHA

Raken submit to OSHA button in incident capture app.

When you’re ready, use the Submit button to verify your details and submit all your required data to OSHA with a click.

More easily meet reporting obligations

With Raken, you can use one tool to record, report on, and directly submit injury and illness data to OSHA with a few clicks. Stay compliant without the hassle of managing multiple systems or duplicate data entry.

See Raken’s incident capture in action

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