Working Alongside Subcontractors Safety Talk
To run a business, you have to work alongside other companies. This is the case in nearly every industry. As a contractor, you'll have vendors and subcontractors that you need to work with. Collaboration is how jobs get done and projects move forward.
However, there are many hazards that come along with working with subcontractors. The best way to help decrease these hazards is to have a plan in place for safety.
The dangers of working alongside subcontractors
When working with subcontractors on your jobsites, you will have to figure out how to make sure your tasks and work styles align. Remember that collaborating is a two way street, and hazards exist on both sides.
Subcontractors who are hired on your jobsite will be working in a new environment and won’t know all of your workflows. Anytime someone is in a new situation, it takes time to properly adjust.
Ways to work around subcontractors
Learning to work around subcontractors can be a difficult but necessary task. Without subcontractors, the project wouldn’t get done.
Here are some helpful tips on making sure you can work towards the same goals together efficiently.
Meet prior to starting
Plans can change quickly on a busy construction site. Sometimes tasks get completed early, or they may be delayed while the rest of the project needs to keep progressing to the next steps.
Meet with subcontractors at the beginning of each workday to confirm the day's schedule and keep each other informed of any changes.
Speak up
Don’t hesitate to notify a supervisor if you see that a subcontractor’s employee isn’t following safety protocol. Speaking up can help protect you, your coworkers, and the subcontractor.
It's your responsibility to help prevent unnecessary accidents and injuries.
Communication helps
If there is no communication between you and the subcontracting crew, it will be hard to execute the job as planned. Let them know how your crew works and what is expected of them onsite. Make them aware of the potential hazards and the proper steps to take if an incident occurs.
Clearly communicate the safety precautions you've put in place. Subcontractors can’t follow your guidelines if they are not made aware of them.
Stop work for hazards
When a hazard has been brought to attention, all work needs to stop. This way the issue can be safely resolved. You always want to avoid injuries to crew members at all costs.
Get their point of view
Talk to the subcontractor and see how they normally work. Figure out what their expectations are and how they typically execute their jobs. This way you can work together and make a plan that works for both parties.
Designate work area limits
If you have too many workers present in one work area, it becomes a safety hazard. Talk with the subcontractor and make a plan for your crews. Set designated times for each task to be executed to avoid injuries.

Subcontractor discussions
Take time to discuss the project with subcontractors before they begin their work. Discuss topics such as:
Safety rules on a construction site
Safety rules are put into place to protect everyone who is present on a construction site. That includes any subcontractors. It is the duty of all workers to follow safety guidelines to better protect themselves and those around them.
Regular inspection of tasks should be done to make sure rules are being followed. It is easy for workers to get comfortable and start to relax on the protocols. However, safety requires constant vigilance.
Some of the main safety guidelines to remember are explained below.
Heavy equipment is a necessary part of many construction sites. It's used to move items from one location to another, dig trenches, and many more tasks. It's important that every crew member knows proper safety precautions for heavy equipment, such as:
Be cautious when getting on and off the equipment
Check for muddy areas
Use the step ladder to avoid falling
Congested work areas
Areas that have too many workers present at one time are dangerous. Only the designated workers who have a job to complete at that time should be present in the work area. This will help reduce the risk of injuries and fatalities while working.
High elevations
There are many instances that you will need to work at high elevations. The correct method of standing, climbing, and walking at these heights needs to be used. You do not want to balance yourself on a beam or other area, there is too much of a risk of falling.
Some safety guidelines that should be followed are:
Wear harnesses
Use ladders and ramps
Make sure all surfaces are stable
Keep surfaces dry and clean
Use machinery for lifts and elevators when you can
Choose the proper height ladder
Loading and unloading
When loading or unloading a truck, there are some safety precautions that apply. Check that the ramp that’s used to unload is level. This is going to help you avoid slipping or tripping during the process.
If you are unloading or loading a piece of heavy equipment, make sure you are wearing proper PPE. That may include a hard hat, safety vest, gloves, and other safety gear.
Keep a safe distance between you, the load, and where the load is going. Pay close attention to you surroundings and make sure that the individual who is driving the equipment can always see you.
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