Concrete Work Safety Talk
Concrete work is a tough and physically demanding job with a high risk of injuries because of the many hazards it presents. There are more than 250,000 people who work with concrete everyday, and of those workers, around 28,000 are injured each year.
Hazards of concrete work
There are several common hazards of concrete work that can pose a risk to employees working with both wet and dry concrete.
Dry concrete hazards
Dry concrete can irritate the eyes, nose, throat, and upper respiratory system. Skin contact may result in "concrete burns" and ailments ranging from moderate irritation to thickening or even cracking of the skin.
If employees are exposed to silica dust for long periods of time, they also run the risk of developing silicosis and/or lung cancer.
Wet concrete hazards
Wet concrete can pose health hazards like skin irritation or chemical burn with prolonged skin contact or overexposure.
Poor ergonomics
When working with concrete, health hazards can develop that most workers may not normally expect due to poor ergonomics.
Improper lifting techniques, awkward posture, and repetitive motion can lead to sprains, strains, and other musculoskeletal disorders.
Common concrete dangers
There are many different ways concrete construction accidents can happen. When working on or around concrete, you must be constantly vigilant and observe safety guidelines at all times.
Some common mishaps that can cause an accident with concrete include:
Workers falling on concrete slabs
Workers being crushed by slabs falling from cranes or forklifts
Workers being pinned in between two slabs
Workers suffering heat stroke while cleaning and working
Workers being impaled on rebar sticking out of concrete slabs
Workers getting caught in concrete mixers or even covered with concrete
Workers being blinded or burned by chemicals in concrete
Many of these accidents may occur due to unforeseeable circumstances, but risk increases exponentially if employees are not paying attention and are negligent of safety rules.

Concrete work safety practices
Concrete is used on most construction sites. Some ways to protect yourself from the hazards and dangers of working with concrete include:
Personal protective equipment (PPE)
Concrete PPE includes heavy-duty waterproof gloves and slip-resistant boots
Gloves need to be long enough to protect your arms up to your elbow
Boots should be high enough to protect your legs
If you are kneeling, protect your knees at all times
Safety glasses should be worn to prevent concrete from splashing in your eyes
Concrete placement
Use extreme caution when stepping on forms and tied rebar that may not support your weight
If you are using a concrete bucket, watch for pinch points
Maintain good communication with the concrete pump operator
If using rebar caps, make sure to replace a cap if it falls off
Watch for tripping hazards that can be hidden in concrete
When placing concrete vertically, make sure you use proper fall protection
Finishing concrete
Before using a bull float, check for overhead electrical hazards - some of the handles can be over 20 feet long
Power trowels need to have positive or dead man's switches only
If you are using chemicals to finish the concrete, make sure you read the safety data sheeet (SDS)
If dust is created by dried concrete, take the proper precautions to protect against silica hazard
When pulling vertical forms, stay out of the fall areas and make sure warning signs are used
Minimize poor ergonomics
Use hand trucks and forklifts when possible
Utilize proper lifting techniques, and bend and lift with your knees
Ask for assistance lifting if needed
Avoid twisting while carrying a load and shift your feet and take small steps in the direction you want to go
Keep floors and work areas clear to avoid tripping and slipping hazards
General precautions
If you are eating and drinking, only do so in dust-free areas to avoid ingesting cement dust
Communicate with other employees and let a supervisor know if you see a problem or hazard
Pay attention to what is going on around you and help your coworkers when needed
Be sure to understand how to perform all your job duties and how to use tools and equipment safely
Make sure your equipment is working properly before each use
Never overload hoists, cranes, or forklifts
If you are using a vehicle, make sure it is in good working order with audible backup warning signals
Manufacturing concrete hazards
Manufacturing concrete can pose health and safety risks for all workers involved. The most common OSHA citations when manufacturing concrete are:
Hazard communication
Confined spaces
Respiratory protection
Guarding floor and wall openings and holes
Electrical wiring methods
Electrical systems design
Machine guarding
If you are working in and around the manufacturing of concrete, make sure you understand OSHA standards to keep yourself and fellow coworkers safe.
What to do if exposed to concrete hazards
If you follow all safety precautions and you are still exposed to hazards involving concrete, there are some steps you should take:
Flush your eyes using a full eyewash station if they encounter concrete dust
Use soap and water to wash off any dust that has come in contact with skin to avoid damage and concrete burns
If flushing eyes or using soap and water do not relieve irritation, then you should consider seeking medical care for further treatment
Always make your supervisor aware of any injury you may hav incurred
In conclusion
Construction workers or concrete contractors working with concrete may be exposed to several different hazards throughout the concrete construction process. They must be aware of the necessary precautions and know how to implement safety guidelines in everyday work.
Should you have a safety concern, please let your supervisor know. If an injury occurs, report it as soon as possible.
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