Learn how to accurately record incidents and submit yearly injury and illness data to OSHA right in Raken.
Use our web and mobile app to:
Quickly capture incident details
Add attachments (including photos and witness statements)
Notify stakeholders
Report on incidents across projects
Stay compliant with OSHA’s yearly electronic submission guidelines
With our streamlined workflows, you can more easily manage incidents and gain actionable insights to help your teams avoid recurring issues.
Record incidents
When an incident occurs, easily capture the following information directly from the field or in office:
Incident case info
Incident details
Whether or not the incident is recordable
Injured employee info
Incident investigation
Incident outcome
Photo, video, and document attachments
Here’s how to add a new incident using both our web and mobile apps.
On web

Log into our web app.
Click Projects in the left-hand navigation.
Select the project on which the incident occurred.
Click the Safety & QC option from the project menu.
Select Incidents.
Click the orange Add Incident button.
Add all the details.
Select team members to notify.
Click the orange Save button found in the top right corner of the page.
On mobile

Log into our mobile app.
Select the project for which you would like to capture an incident.
Select the incident tool.
Fill in all fields with the necessary information related to the incident.
Report on incidents

Get an accurate view of all incidents across projects and review OSHA forms to manually prepare for electronic submission and stay compliant with record keeping requirements.
To export an incident report, log in to Raken’s web app, select Company from the left-hand navigation, then select Incidents. From this screen, you can view and share data from all incidents or use the Export button to distribute the following reports by email:
Incident reports (301) - Bulk export individual incident records (Must be kept/filed for 5 years)
Incident log (300) - Export incident log (Must be kept/filed for 5 years)
Incident summary report (300A) - Export incident summary (Must be kept/filed for 5 years and physically posted Feb 1 - Apr 30)
Incident log submission (300/301) - Export all 300/301 data to upload to OSHA's ITA for submission
Incident summary submission (300A) - Export all 300A data to upload to OSHA's ITA for submission
Integrate Raken with OSHA’s Injury Tracking Application
Connect Raken directly with OSHA’s Injury Tracking Application (ITA) to electronically submit your annual work-related injury and illness data without the hassle of managing multiple systems or duplicate data entry.
To get started, you’ll need to set up your ITA account, then enable the integration in Raken’s web app. Confirm the information on your Submission Settings page, which is automatically synchronized with OSHA, by going to Company > Incidents > Submission Settings. Then, use Raken to record incidents throughout the year.
Before next year’s electronic submission deadline, go to Company > Incidents and use our easy Submit button to review and submit your data with just a few clicks.
Learn more about integrating Raken with OSHA's ITA >
Some features may not be available with your plan—check with our customer success team for more details.